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NCUA Board Briefed on Post-Examination Survey Project

Authored By: JT Blau on 6/17/2022

There was one topic on the NCUA Board's June meeting agenda: data and results from NCUA’s post-exam surveys. The NCUA has been conducting a pilot program with a 10 question survey for CEOs at the conclusion of their exam. The response rate has been 17%, with Yes/No questions. The feedback was extremely positive: All received over 90% positive responses (there was one question that applied only to documents of resolution, and on that the Yes + N/A added to over 90%). The next steps will be extending the current pilot and incorporating additional questions into the survey.

Board member questions and answers:

  • Is 17% good? What should be the target?
    • No specific target was given, but the response rate was statistically valid and is in an acceptable range.
  • What can be done to improve the response rate?
    • Survey will be delivered as close as possible to the exit meeting, and exploring incorporating it into the exit meeting/exam close.
  • Will suggestions from CUs about what questions should be added to the survey be considered?
    • Yes, common suggestions are being aggregated and will be considered for future surveys
  • Are other regulators using third parties to conduct these surveys?
    • Yes, using a third party increases response rate due to assurance of anonymity.
  • What are we doing to require compliance with the 10 day deadline? (Final exam report must be delivered within 10 days of the exit meeting)
    • With the new examination software, the exam report becomes automatically available to the credit union at the exit meeting.
  • Do we have a widespread problem of Documents of Resolution not listing specific authority?
    • No, don’t believe this is a widespread issue.

Related: NCUA Board Briefed on Post-Examination Pilot Survey Results

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