Home Info Newsroom Youngkin, Miyares Say They Plan to Challenge Biden’s Coronavirus Mandates

Youngkin, Miyares Say They Plan to Challenge Biden’s Coronavirus Mandates

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 1/10/2022

Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General-elect Jason Miyares announced plans on Friday to challenge the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandates on large, private employers, certain federally funded healthcare workers and Head Start teachers.

Youngkin and Miyares, Republicans who will take office Jan. 15, plan to either join existing lawsuits brought by other GOP-led states or file their own, a tactical decision that had not yet been made by late Friday afternoon.

Two existing cases — one challenging mandates on health-care workers at facilities that receive funding through Medicare or Medicaid and the other fighting the vaccine-or-testing requirement on private employers — were before the U.S. Supreme Court Friday. The justices were considering emergency petitions to either allow the regulations to go into effect or stop them while legal challenges continue.

Learn more (Washington Post)

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