Home Info Newsroom Virginia Lawmaker Wants to Add COVID Vaccine Requirement to List of Workplace Discrimination Protections

Virginia Lawmaker Wants to Add COVID Vaccine Requirement to List of Workplace Discrimination Protections

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 2/3/2022

A proposed law seeks to prohibit public employers, schools and numerous other government organizations in Virginia from requiring individuals to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine.

The legislation would allow people to make their own choices, said Del. Timothy V. Anderson, R-Virginia Beach, who introduced the bill.

“It’s extremely important for my worldview that we restore an individual’s liberty interests in making this personal medical decision,” Anderson said.

House Bill 27 forbids state entities and local governments from mandating employees to receive the vaccine. It also says people can’t be discriminated against for not receiving the vaccine when it comes to services, enrollment, membership, or other benefits.

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