Home Info Newsroom Tidewater Chapter Donates $10,318 to CHKD

Tidewater Chapter Donates $10,318 to CHKD

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 9/9/2022

Tidewater Chapter Donates $10,300 to CHKD

At its Sept. 8 meeting, the Tidewater Chapter donated $10,318.54 to Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters, the Norfolk-based Children's Miracle Network Hospital. The Chapter raised the funds through its June charity golf tournament, with a matching contribution of $4,000 through the Co-op Miracle Match Program

The Tidewater Chapter held its 9th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on June 3, drawing 56 golfers and the support of numerous sponsors and business partners.

"We're proud to have raised more than $136,300 for CHKD during the past nine tournaments, thanks to the support of our credit unions, golfers and sponsors," noted Beach Municipal Federal Credit Union's Leigh Ann Graham, chair of the Tidewater Chapter Golf Committee and a member of the Chapter's Governing Board.

Attending the meeting to accept the check was CHKD representative Kathryn Nemeth, Stewardship & Donor Relations Coordinator, who thanked credit unions for their support and noted CHKD's recent initiatives to serve its community, including the launch last year of a public fundraising campaign for a new mental health hospital and outpatient center.

JT Blau, Virginia Credit Union League Chief Advocacy OfficerAt the meeting, League Chief Advocacy Officer JT Blau (pictured right) also discussed credit unions' most-pressing current legislative and regulatory issues, including interchange and overdraft legislation, as well as regulatory initiatives at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, including developments surrounding Zelle

Your League continues to monitor and engage on these and a host of other issues, including filing various comment letters with regulators and writing lawmakers on behalf of member credit unions.

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