Home Info Newsroom Oct. 17 CEO Forum Moving to Virtual Format; Free Event for $500 Million and Under CUs

Oct. 17 CEO Forum Moving to Virtual Format; Free Event for $500 Million and Under CUs


Credit Union CEOs: To ensure more of our credit union CEOs can attend next week’s CEO Forum (Oct. 17), we’ve made this a FREE, virtual event.

Check your email this afternoon for a personal calendar invite.

Given the topics covered, we are also extending invitations to all credit unions with $500 million or less in assets.

We know time away from the office can prove challenging, but please join us for any sessions you can; or better still, join us for the day!


Here's a summary of the day's sessions:

NCUA Examination Priorities

NCUA Principal Examiner John Kren and Supervisory Examiner Debra Tobin will provide an update on NCUA examination priorities, offering analysis of NCUA’s key supervisory priorities, including liquidity risk, interest rate risk, fraud prevention and cybersecurity. As examiners on the ground in credit unions every week, John and Debra will offer their unique perspective on emerging risk areas, examination trends, and risk management best practices for small credit unions.

Assistance Available Through NCUA’s Credit Union Resources & Expansion (CURE) Office

The Deputy Director of NCUA’s Credit Union Resources and Expansion (CURE) office, JeanMarie Mattingly, will provide an overview of CURE and the resources it offers for small credit unions. CURE supports credit union growth and development, providing support to low-income, minority, and any credit union seeking assistance with chartering, charter conversions, bylaw amendments, field-of-membership expansion requests and low-income designations. Through CURE, credit unions can also access online training and other valuable resources. The office also administers grants and loans through the Community Development Revolving Loan Fund.   Economic Update

Credit unions and their members are facing challenging economic headwinds. Retail Alliance / Equifax team members Matt Boyer and Sara Benabachir takes a deep dive into the current economic data, while also offering a forecast of what we can expect in the months ahead and how that will impact your balance sheet. Data & Analytics in a Rising Rates Environment

Data analytics that reveal the intersection of portfolio and member relationship factors are fundamental to developing a strategy that produces the most positive impact on Net Interest Margin. Trellance’s Amanda Emery will help you unlock strategies based on data to ensure you’re successfully navigating today’s challenging rate environment.   League Updates (Advocacy, Business Solutions and Events)

Your League will offer updates on key legislative and regulatory issues at both the state and federal levels. Learn what we’re doing to help credit unions succeed, whether that’s fighting harmful interchange legislation or pushing for passage of legislation that lessens your regulatory burden. We’ll cover our deep bench of product and service offerings designed to help you service members, generate revenue and save money. Lastly, we’ll outline exciting education and networking events for the coming year!  


Check your calendar invite for details.


CEOs of credit unions with $500 million or less in assets, check your email this afternoon (Oct. 12) for a personal calendar invite. Questions can be directed to your League's Mary Amyx at 800.768.3344, ext. 1630 or mamyx@vacul.org. We look forward to you joining us on Oct. 17!

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