Home Info Newsroom Nussle to Congress: Open Capitol Hill

Nussle to Congress: Open Capitol Hill

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 2/22/2022

As thousands of credit union activists prepare to travel to Washington for the Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference next week, CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle is urging Congress to reopen Capitol Hill so the activists can easily meet face to face with elected officials.

“Across the Hill, constituents face obstacles to meeting with their elected representatives,” Nussle wrote in an op-ed published in The Hill last week. “Some offices remain entirely remote, while others are limiting meeting size to only five constituents at a time, with the burden of an escort.”

The Capitol and House and Senate office buildings have remained closed to the public as a result of the pandemic and people wishing to meet with elected officials or staff have had to do so on the phone or by computer.

“Obstacles like shuttered offices and strict gatekeepers raise serious questions about our lawmakers’ transparency and accessibility,” Nussle wrote.  

Nussle, a former House member from Iowa stressed the importance of in-person meetings.

“Knowing that someone cared enough about an issue to come all the way from Iowa to share their thoughts and concerns meant the world,” he wrote. “More importantly, shaking their hands and seeing the energy in their eyes, that face-to-face interaction went a long way to moving my stance on a fair number of issues.”

Nussle is not alone in asking that the Capitol and office buildings be opened.

In the House, more than 90 Republicans last week wrote a letter to the House Sergeant at Arms asking that the public be allowed back in the building. 

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