Home Info Newsroom League Seeks Nominations for Credit Union House Wall of Fame; Credit Union House Brick Sponsorships

League Seeks Nominations for Credit Union House Wall of Fame; Credit Union House Brick Sponsorships

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 8/16/2022

Credit unions: Here’s a golden opportunity to honor individuals who have made a difference at your credit union or to the industry! On Nov. 9, your League will host its Annual Awards Event, at which we’ll honor our latest Wall of Fame inductees and Credit Union House Brick sponsors.

The Wall of Fame and CU House Brick sponsorships are permanent displays at the Credit House of Virginia honoring credit union champions, regardless of their role at the credit union, for their service to the credit union, credit union or chapter organizations, or the industry. In the case of brick sponsorships, partner organizations can also be recognized.

Sponsorship costs for the Wall of Fame are based on credit union asset size, starting at $500. The brick sponsorships are $1,000 each.

Contact your League's Kathy Smith for more information - 800.768.3344, ext. 1623 or ksmith@vacul.org

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