Home Info Newsroom League Engaged on Vaccine Mandate; Resources Available to Aid CUs

League Engaged on Vaccine Mandate; Resources Available to Aid CUs

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 9/15/2021

In light of last week’s announcement from the Biden Administration to mandate vaccinations for employers with 100 or more employees, your League has been actively engaged in dialogue on this issue with policymakers, including the Department of Labor and trade partners.

President Biden is meeting with many corporate CEOs tomorrow on this matter; some businesses have supported the mandate and others have not.

“I have heard from many of our members that this mandate could have unintended consequences. Mandating vaccines is a very complex issue and over the past few months, credit unions have taken different approaches to maintain a safe workplace. The executive order and the planned vaccination mandate will have a significant impact on all covered organizations and potentially those not covered, most obviously in terms of potential costs, test availability and employee retention efforts,” says League President/CEO Carrie Hunt. “While we strongly support the intent of the mandate -- to end the pandemic -- your League will stay engaged to represent credit unions' operational needs. We will also carefully monitor any additional action at the state level with regard to the federal mandates.”


In addition to our advocacy, the League is providing compliance resources to aid with the forthcoming regulations:

While there are many unanswered questions related to the vaccine mandate, we do encourage you to reach out to our HR and employment law partners at Woods Rogers via the League hotline at 800.552.4529 for additional assistance.

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