Home Info Newsroom I Know it's Today ... We Won't Repeat the Mistakes of 2008

I Know it's Today ... We Won't Repeat the Mistakes of 2008

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 10/20/2022

I Know it's Today - We Won't Repeat the Mistakes of 2008

Today's world and economic outlook feel oddly parallel to the harsh reality of the 2008 recession. Interest rates are skyrocketing. Home prices are at historic highs. Inflation is at a high peak. And yet, we all know that the situation is more complex than what those three sentences could capture.

When speaking with leaders of credit unions across the United States, one thing remains constant — you want to do better this time, come what may.

Thinking back to the cult classic “Back to the Future”, we built a time machine (model) and booted our data science team back to the Great Recession so that we could put Zest to the test.

We wanted to know: What if we could have navigated loan decisioning more sure of the risks we were taking and found more members who needed our support?

To discover our findings from our adventure, click here

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