Home Info Newsroom GROWTH Conference Features Must-Attend Sessions for Marketers, Biz Development Pros

GROWTH Conference Features Must-Attend Sessions for Marketers, Biz Development Pros

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 8/4/2023

Today’s savviest and most-successful marketers are putting data to work to innovate and engage; drive growth; and personalize the member experience. This year’s GROWTH Conference features a deep dive into the world of data and its power to transform financial services marketing, including how we bridge the gap between the dollars invested in marketing and the money made, as well as how we can leverage data to engage members in ways that best speak to their needs and their financial journey. We can also use this data to fuel authentic storytelling.

Featured presenter Anne Legg – an award-winning industry expert and data strategist -- offers two powerful sessions on data, beginning with the basics of developing a solid data foundation within your credit union and moving through the process of creating an organizational mindset in which data becomes your corporate BFF!

Data also has tremendous power to help us manage today’s toughest strategic challenges. GROWTH will feature a timely session on “Maximizing Margin Expansion in a Rising Rate Environment,” with marketers guaranteed to gain insights and strategies that will inform their marketing communications as it relates to member relationships and retention in this rising rate environment.

Marketers should also pay close attention to embedded finance, which is not only a growing threat to traditional financial institutions, but also a unique opportunity for credit unions ready to seize it. From Buy Now, Pay Later services to banking services embedded in ride-sharing apps to credit reporting services that connect consumers’ banking accounts to credit and loan offers, embedded finance is expected to generate $51 billion in revenue by 2026. Learn firsthand the ways embedded finance meets the needs of members today and how credit union marketers can identify the verticals and opportunities that will allow them entry into this new value chain to expand their reach.

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