Home Info Newsroom Friend to CUs Rep. Brad Sherman Also Congress’ Leading Crypto Skeptic

Friend to CUs Rep. Brad Sherman Also Congress’ Leading Crypto Skeptic

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 9/9/2022

Source: Los Angeles Times

Rep. Brad Sherman’s views on cryptocurrencies set him apart from most of his colleagues in Congress. The Northridge-area Democrat isn’t just wary of crypto: He hates it and views it as a threat to the national security of the United States.

Sherman, who chairs a House subcommittee on investor protection, may be the leading crypto skeptic on Capitol Hill.

A growing movement in Congress wants to bring more regulation to the nearly $2-trillion crypto industry, which is currently overseen by a patchwork of state laws and federal agencies. Sherman, however, doesn’t just want to regulate cryptocurrencies, he wants them outlawed.

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