Home Info Newsroom Filene Launches 2nd Annual Industry-Wide DEI Survey

Filene Launches 2nd Annual Industry-Wide DEI Survey

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 3/11/2022


Holly Fearing (she/her/hers) Senior Director, Marketing + Communications | Filene Research Institute 608.661.3758 (O) | 608.213.5194 (M) | @FearingHolly Think forward. Change lives. | @FileneResearch | filene.org

Research shows that individual DEI practices do not matter on their own when it comes to organizational performance. What matters most are bundles of connected practices. A second year of industry data will show how credit unions are trending in their DEI efforts.

This week, Filene announced the launch of the second annual industry-wide DEI Practices and Policies Survey asking organizations to complete a 10-minute survey to examine the presence, reach and value-creating effects of DEI practices and policies at credit unions.

“As we begin a second year of data collection on credit union DEI practices, we are excited at the prospect of having longitudinal data evaluating if the changes organizations are implementing around their DEI practices and policies are sustaining themselves,” said Filene Fellow Quinetta Roberson during Filene's webinar yesterday. “This will give the industry as a whole the chance to look at change over time and most importantly, through their personalized indexes see how their organization specifically has changed, how DEI practices have impacted their firm performance, and how DEI practices have changed across the industry.”

This round will continue to measure and track the credit union industry’s adoption of DEI policies and practices bundles and deepen understanding of the effects and relationships between these policies and practices and organizational performance. It will expand insights into two additional focus areas:

  1. What other success metrics do DEI practice bundles affect, beyond standard measures of financial performance?
  2. How do DEI practice bundles affect overall firm performance like internal operations, improved services, or messaging to members?

The survey is now live and available for all organizations to take, and we encourage system partners to take the survey alongside credit unions! Take the survey here: filene.org/deisurvey.

Contact Filene’s Senior Director of Research, Taylor C. Nelms at taylorn@filene.org to get more information on this year’s survey.

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