Home Info Newsroom Efforts to Oppose IRS Reporting Requirements' Inclusion in Build Back Better Bill Must Continue, as Senate Looks to Pass Measure by Christmas

Efforts to Oppose IRS Reporting Requirements' Inclusion in Build Back Better Bill Must Continue, as Senate Looks to Pass Measure by Christmas

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 11/24/2021

The Build Back Better bill that recently passed the House is now in the Senate. The League is continuing to push to keep the IRS reporting provision out, but Sen. Warner is on the record as supporting the provision. 

We will need your continued support on this! 

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wants the Senate to pass the bill by Christmas. This version of the bill did not include the Administration’s original proposal to require financial institutions to turn over consumer account data to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

The language was removed from the House bill after 21 House Democrats -- including Virginians  Elaine Luria (D-2) and Jennifer Wexton (D-10) -- wrote a “Dear Colleague” letter opposing the provision in late October. This would not have been possible without your help in sending over 800,000 messages calling on lawmakers to oppose this controversial provision.

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