Home Info Newsroom CUs Meet With Gov. Youngkin; Note CUs' Importance in Helping Members Manage Current Economic Conditions

CUs Meet With Gov. Youngkin; Note CUs' Importance in Helping Members Manage Current Economic Conditions

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 10/28/2022

Northwest Federal Credit Union CEO and League Vice Chairman Jeff Bentley (pictured right) and League Chief Advocacy Officer JT Blau (center) met today with Gov. Glenn Youngkin at a breakfast event hosted by the Hunton Andrews Kurth, our lobbying firm.Northwest Federal Credit Union CEO and League Vice Chairman Jeff Bentley (pictured right) and League Chief Advocacy Officer JT Blau (center) met today with Gov. Glenn Youngkin at a breakfast event hosted by the Hunton Andrews Kurth, our lobbying firm.

Blau and Bentley offered an overview of the Commonwealth's credit unions, noting credit unions' focus on financial education and the financial well-being of their members.

They also noted how current economic conditions are affecting credit union members, with rising interest rates making credit more expensive and inflation spurring rising credit card balances. Consolidation within the financial services industry was also discussed.

Gov. Youngkin thanked credit unions for their service to members and noted the important role credit unions play in the financial services marketplace.

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