Home Info Newsroom CUNA IRA Advanced eSchool Provides Guidance on Complex Issues

CUNA IRA Advanced eSchool Provides Guidance on Complex Issues

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 2/9/2022

CUNA IRA Advanced eSchool, to be held Fridays from Feb. 25 through April 15, will help credit union staff assist members with complex IRA needs including death, trusts, distributions and other legal issues.

“It builds on the foundational knowledge obtained in the CUNA IRA Fundamentals eSchool and touches on the more advanced aspects of IRAs, giving the staff more confidence,” said Jess MacLagan. “It also gives?those who may be?experienced?IRA professionals the ability to?add onto their established skillset or?explore other areas of retirement accounts they may not know about.”

Frontline staff, tellers, MSRs, managers, finance and anyone else who answers questions regarding IRAs will find value in the topics covered, as will past attendees of the CUNA IRA eSchool and IRA Web Series.

To learn more, visit the eSchool’s webpage.

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