Home Info Newsroom Credit Unions: What Are Your Plans to Assist Members In the Event of Government Shutdown?

Credit Unions: What Are Your Plans to Assist Members In the Event of Government Shutdown?


Credit unions: With so many of you serving government agencies, contractors and others who might be affected by a federal government shutdown, how are you planning to aid members should a shutdown happen?

Your League wants to know!

In the past, our credit unions have offered eligible members skip-a-payment relief on loans, paycheck replacement loans/0% interest loans, no-penalty share certificate withdrawals, refunded credit card cash advance fees, and more.

Your Help Needed

Please drop us an email at pr@vacul.org with your plans to assist affected members.

If you would, please let us know if you will publicly post news of your assistance efforts on your website and social channels. If so, please provide a link to that page on your website. If you do not plan to post this information publicly, please also let us know. We will not identify your credit union in any of our communications, but it's still helpful for our advocacy efforts if we have a better accounting of the scope and scale of credit unions' efforts here in Virginia. Thank you, in advance, for your participation!

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