Home Info Newsroom Biden Warns Private Sector: ‘Harden Your Cyber Defenses Immediately’ and Prepare for Cyberattacks from Russian Government

Biden Warns Private Sector: ‘Harden Your Cyber Defenses Immediately’ and Prepare for Cyberattacks from Russian Government

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 3/23/2022

In stark language, President Biden urged U.S. businesses to prepare for potential cyberattacks from the Russian Government.

“President Joe Biden on Monday warned of Russian cyberattacks against the U.S. — making his most prominent alert yet about what he called new intelligence concerning the Putin regime’s plans,” write Maggie Miller and Sam Sabin of Politico. “Past U.S. intelligence warnings about the timing and manner of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine were largely accurate. Biden urged companies to ‘harden your cyber defenses immediately.’ Biden’s remarks and statement came with new urgency.”

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