Home Info Newsroom Biden Administration Issues Vaccine Mandates 

Biden Administration Issues Vaccine Mandates 

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 9/10/2021

Corporate America had been trying to navigate two competing pandemic realities: Companies are desperately trying to get back to business as usual, and mandating vaccines is among the best ways to accomplish that. But a labor shortage had tied their hands, as businesses have been worried that forcing people to get the shot would send some desperately needed employees and potential new hires packing.

The Biden administration's new rule puts every American company with 100 or more employees in the same boat: All must get tough on their workers. And although the Biden administration's vaccine rule doesn't apply to small businesses, it could give some of them cover to mandate vaccines as well.

The federal agency tasked with crafting and carrying out the rule, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, has thus far shied away from requiring stronger workplace safety standards that could help protect workers from getting or spreading the virus. Observers note the Administration's effort is likely to be challenged in the courts, where the OSHA has had trouble with similar efforts in the past.

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