Virginia Credit Union League In-Person Event Health and Safety Protocols
The Virginia Credit Union League will implement COVID-19 health and safety protocols for all in-person events. The welfare of attendees and our staff is paramount.
For an in-person learning and networking opportunities, the Virginia Credit Union League will follow state and local mandates/guidance regarding holding meetings and events, and will follow CDC guidance on safety protocols for meetings and events, paying particular attention to face coverings and social distancing guidance. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and may also implement additional measures should the conditions warrant, including moving to a virtual format.
In-person event guidelines may include, but are not limited to:
Encouraging social distancing and limiting number of attendees if necessary.
Providing each attendee social distancing wearables such as color-coded armbands to help attendees and staff recognize others’ comfort level with contact.
Offering extra spacing for tables, chairs, que lines and paying careful attention to traffic flow to avoid crowding.
Paying close attention to food precautions and offering pre-packaged foods, food and drink served by venue staff, or providing single-use gloves for serving own food.
Providing hand sanitizing stations throughout event especially in areas where food and drinks are served.
Requiring event venue to adhere to proper cleaning/disinfecting procedures.
Strongly encouraging face coverings for attendees.
Posting signage to encourage pandemic-aware behavior throughout the event.
VACUL reserves the right to revise these policies and protocols at any time upon reasonable notice to meeting participants. Necessary accommodations will be made based on the attendee’s needs. The League will follow all privacy and discrimination laws that apply to non-employ attendees of an in-person event.
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