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League Reps Meet with State Lawmakers

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 5/15/2019

League President Rick Pillow and Senior Vice President David Miles talked with key lawmakers for credit unions at fundraisers this week hosted by the League’s external lobbying firm Hunton Andrews Kurth.

Pillow attended a luncheon for Sen. Glen Sturtevant (R-10). Sturtevant is a member of the Courts of Justice Committee, which considered the League’s bill to provide a cure period for credit unions facing legal action on their website accessibility in state courts.  Pillow thanked Sturtevant for his support of that legislation, which ultimately was vetoed by the governor after a hard-fought battle to win approval in the General Assembly.

Sturtevant also sits on the Commerce and Labor Committee, which oversees much of the legislation relevant to credit unions.

Miles attended a breakfast for Sen. Lionell Spruill (D-5). Spruill is also a member of the Commerce and Labor Committee.

Looking ahead to the next General Assembly session, Pillow said League officials will introduce themselves to the GOP candidate for the 62nd District, Carrie Coyner, in a June get-together. Fellow Republican Riley Ingram now holds that seat but is not running for re-election. Credit unions from the district also will be invited to attend the meeting.

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