Home Advocate Legislative Affairs Governmental Affairs News League President Meets with Senate Republican Caucus

League President Meets with Senate Republican Caucus

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 5/20/2019

League President Rick Pillow is making the most of the opportunity of attending the Sunday through Monday Senate Republican Retreat by talking one-on-one with many of the members attending the event.

Those discussions included Sen. Glen Sturtevant (R-10), the Richmond area senator slated to take over the chairmanship of the Commerce and Labor Committee should the Republicans retain their majority after the fall elections. Long-time chairman Sen. Frank Wagner (R-7) is not seeking re-election.

Pillow also shared dinner Sunday with another Commerce and Labor Committee member, Sen. John Cosgrove (R-14) and will be sharing the links today with Sen. Mark Peake (R- 22), a member of the Courts of Justice Committee which played a prominent role in this year’s ADA legislation.

As of publication time, Pillow had also met with the following Republican senators:

  • Tommy Norment (R-3), majority leader and member of Commerce and Labor;
  • Ryan McDougle (R-4), member of Commerce and Labor and Courts of Justice, and caucus chairman;
  • Bill Stanley (R-20), member of Commerce and Labor and Courts of Justice, and caucus whip;
  • Steve Newman (R-23), member of Commerce and Labor and caucus vice chairman;
  • Mark Obenshain (R-26), member of Commerce and Labor;
  • Ben Chafin (R-38), member of Commerce and Labor and Courts of Justice;
  • Bryce Reeves (R-17), member of Courts of Justice;
  • Siobhan Dunnavant (R-12);
  • Frank Ruff (R-15);
  • Jill Holtzman Vogel (R-27) and
  • Bill DeSteph (R-8)

Pillow also talked with Stephanie Fox, the Republican candidate running against Democratic Senate incumbent Jennifer Boysko, for the 33rd District seat.

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