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CUNA Mutual Group Remains Invaluable Partner in Advancing CU System

In today's competitive business world, you need partners you can trust. For the past 80 years, Virginia’s credit unions have found a trusted partner, dedicated champion and fierce advocate in CUNA Mutual Group.

From credit union bond protection and investments to retirement solutions and lending programs, CUNA Mutual Group has worked tirelessly to deliver product and service solutions that address the unique challenges and needs of credit unions and their member-owners.

CUNA Mutual Group’s commitment as an advocate of the system is unchallenged. During the past few months CUNA Mutual Group has reaffirmed its longstanding financial commitment and support for credit union leagues by committing millions of dollars through 2023, to aid our efforts in advocacy, education and credit union support. 

As bankers ramp up their anti-credit union rhetoric and launch new efforts at both the state and national levels to roll back favorable field-of-membership rulings and bring about the taxation of credit unions, CUNA Mutual Group has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with its system partners to counter bankers’ attacks. A united front across the system is vital if we’re to prevent bankers from gathering wins at the state level, then leveraging those wins to pursue anti-credit union laws at the federal level.

The advocacy work of your League has broadened considerably in recent years, now encompassing legislative, regulatory, judicial and public fronts, and thanks in part to CUNA Mutual Group, we have the resources and research to push our advocacy agenda in each of those areas.

It’s important to note the work CUNA Mutual Group is doing to ensure credit unions are prepared to succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Competition in today’s financial services industry requires the right people, processes, products, insights, technology and resources. By their investment in studying consumer trends, CUNA Mutual Group is helping us marshal and deploy our resources in ways that ensure our growth and success.

As a sponsor for many of our League events and initiatives, including the League Annual Meeting, the Congressional Luncheon, and the Credit Unions Care Foundation of Virginia, CUNA Mutual Group is helping advance our educational, networking and social responsibility work. Nationally, CUNA Mutual Group’s financial support helps make possible the CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference and the leagues’ Hike The Hill events.

Underscoring its standing in the industry, CUNA Mutual Group is also one of the most-reputable insurance companies in the United States and boasts the accolades to prove it. Its aid for credit unions and members spans the globe, while CUNA Mutual Group’s charitable work through the CUNA Mutual Group Foundation provides millions of dollars to empower financial security by combating homelessness, poverty and hunger. The Foundation embodies our “People Helping People” philosophy in everything it does to improve the lives of individuals in need.

Credit unions, the leagues, CUNA and CUNA Mutual Group should all be proud of the work we’ve done to build the credit union system. We can stand secure in the knowledge that our collective strength and shared vision of credit unions as Americans’ best choice for financial services empowers us to move the system forward and readies us for whatever challenges the future holds!

Richard D. Pillow
Virginia Credit Union League

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