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CU Champions Volunteer in Support of Political Campaigns

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 6/4/2019

Credit Union representatives canvas on behalf of Northern Virginia lawmakers

NoVA CU champions went door-to-door in support of Sen. Dick

CU Champions Volunteer in Support of Political Campaigns

Memorial Day weekend is now considered prime time for kicking off political campaigns. If you think there’s nothing to do in the lazy days of summer, think again!

Credit union advocates from Fort Lee Federal Credit Union and Peoples Advantage Federal Credit Union recently knocked on hundreds of doors one weekend to help the campaign of Sen. Rosalyn Dance (D-16th), a member of the Commerce and Labor Committee. That committee oversees much of our credit union legislation and Dance has supported credit unions in the past.

The campaign help was greatly appreciated because Dance faces a primary opponent. The primary date in Virginia is June 11.

A group of Northern Virginia credit union supporters from Apple Federal Credit Union, Fairfax County Federal Credit Union and Northwest Federal Credit Union -- as well as League staffer CeJae Vtipilson -- spent last Friday and Saturday canvassing for the campaigns of Sen. Dick Saslaw (D-35th) and Sen. Barbara Favola (D-31st).

Even without a primary, candidates are now trying to raise their profile and determine which voters will likely support them in the fall election. That information is crucial in the final weeks of campaigns for "Get Out The Vote" efforts, i.e., urging your likely supporters to go to the polls on Election Day.

It doesn’t take much time to volunteer and there are several different activities that you can choose from depending on your comfort level. You can do one shift of several hours, or more if the fun and camaraderie of the campaign appeal to you. Team up with credit union friends for a shift and then go out for pizza afterward.

Why do this? It benefits credit unions if credit union-friendly legislators are re-elected.

If you want information on volunteering on a political campaign contact ksherbin@vacul.org.

We also encourage you to coordinate your efforts with regional StateWide Advocacy Council (SWAC) representatives. Your regional Advocacy Council representatives might well be able to help you marshal additional people and resources, if needed.

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