Advocate Blog
Join the conversation about the latest laws, regulations and political issues having an impact on Virginia's credit unions.
- Regulatory Compliance Weekly Roundup: June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023Here are a few notable highlights of what happened this week in the world of regulatory compliance, including actions by the NCUA and CFPB. Plus, an upcoming CFPB webinar (June 28) will benefit any credit union involved in business lending.
- CUs, League Hosting Legislative Receptions
June 22, 2023Your League and credit unions will host a series of legislative receptions across the Commonwealth. Join us in advocating for your credit union and the Virginia credit union system!
- NCUA Focuses on Chartering New CUs, Promoting MDIs; Notes CDRLF Grant Window Still Open
June 22, 2023The National Credit Union Administration Board held its sixth open meeting of 2023 and approved a proposal about the agency’s minority depository institution preservation program and a notice and request for comment on the NCUA operating fee schedule methodology. The NCUA Board also was briefed on efforts to modernize the chartering process for federal credit unions. League President Carrie Hunt attended the meeting in person.
- Following Primaries, November's Races (Mostly) Set as CUs, League Ready for Busy Election Season
June 21, 2023After months of campaigning with millions of dollars raised and spent, thousands of yard signs staked in the ground, hundreds of stump speeches delivered, dozens of TV ads aired and countless doors knocked, we now (mostly) have the candidates set for the 40 state Senate and 100 state House races taking place on Nov. 7. The General Assembly will look very different come January, and your League is working now to best position credit unions for success in advancing our legislative agenda.
- League Monitoring Primaries as Virginia Voters Pick Nominees in Hotly Contested Races
June 20, 2023A Virginia legislative primary season marked by hard-fought campaigns in both parties will come to a close Tuesday, as voters pick their party’s nominee for dozens of seats, including some swing districts that will help determine the balance of power in the General Assembly.
- League Notes Item of Interest on NCUA’s June 22 Board Meeting Agenda
June 20, 2023Your League is keenly interested in NCUA’s June 22 Board Meeting. On the agenda is a request for comment on the operating fee schedule methodology. “The operating fee schedule methodology impacts all credit unions and can be a sizeable expense,” notes League Chief Advocacy Officer JT Blau. “We’ll be reviewing the opportunity to comment and will cover any proposed changes, urging the agency’s Board to carefully consider how any changes might impact credit unions."
- This Week in Regulatory Compliance: June 12-16, 2023
June 16, 2023As schools are letting out and summer weather approaches, let's take a quick look at some highlights from the regulatory compliance world this past week.
- Interchange Legislation: Write Your Lawmakers; Urge Them to Oppose H.R.3881 and S.1838
June 8, 2023We now have bill numbers for the two recently introduced interchange measures we are opposing -- H.R.3881 and S.1838. Both bills were introduced yesterday. Credit unions are urged to mobilize their staff, officials and members in opposition to the measures. Use the League Action Center to email your lawmakers quickly and easily!
- Mark Your Calendar: League Hosting Member Call-In on June 27
June 8, 2023Join us on June 27 for a special virtual meeting for League members and credit unions interested in League membership!
- CU-, League-Opposed Interchange Bill Reintroduced in Congress; Contact Your Lawmakers Now!
June 7, 2023A League-opposed interchange measure has been reintroduced in the U.S. Senate (S.1838) and House (H.R. 3881). Credit unions are urged to mobilize their staff, officials and members in opposition to the bill. Use the League Action Center to email your lawmakers quickly and easily!