Home Advocate Legislative Affairs Governmental Affairs News League Hosting Virtual Hike The Hill Event March 2-4

League Hosting Virtual Hike The Hill Event March 2-4

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 2/18/2021

Join us March 2-4 for your League's virtual Hike The Hill event for an opportunity to meet with Virginia's Congressional delegation and advocate for our federal legislative agenda.


To date, we've scheduled the following meetings:

The links above are a direct link to the meeting's web location/URL, so there is no need to register in advance of the meeting.

Please note, each of these meetings is a unique event, so click the appropriate link above to be directed to the meeting.


  • We think it’s important to have significant constituent participation for each event for a member of the House. Feel free to register for any of events you think appropriate to you and your field-of-membership, but we strongly encourage you to participate in the event for your personal Congressional representative. Given that we’re all constituents of Sens. Warner and Kaine, please participate in those events if you are able!
  • During each virtual event, we plan to provide a brief Q-and-A period for credit unions to ask questions of our lawmakers. In addition to discussing credit unions’ legislative agenda, we will also provide time to lawmakers to discuss their priorities.
  • You need not have registered for CUNA’s Governmental Affairs Conference to participate in the virtual Hike The Hill events. Everyone is welcome.

Credit Union Legislative Priorities 2021We are also providing a brief synopsis of 2021 Credit Union Priorities to guide our discussion with lawmakers.


Contact your League's Cathy Baldwin for assistance - cbaldwin@vacul.org or 800.768.3344, ext. 615

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