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CU-Backed Candidates Win in Virginia Primaries

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 6/25/2020

Credit union-supported candidates in Kentucky, New York and Virginia saw successes in Tuesday’s primary elections, with almost 100% of credit union candidates winning races that have been called as of Wednesday afternoon.

Rep. Denver Riggleman, a first-term Republican in the 5th District, was ousted by Bob Good, a former county supervisor, to be the party’s nominee in the general election. Riggleman served on the House Financial Services Committee, the key Congressional committee for credit unions.

Primary Election Results for June 2020State credit union Leagues and CUNA’s political action committee, the Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC) supported the candidates, each of whom is a dedicated credit union supporter.

Tuesday’s election results bring the number of successful credit union candidates around the country to 231 out of 235 races.

To view the results of CULAC-backed candidates in all 2020 Congressional primaries held to date, visit cuna.org/elections.

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